
  • Web of Knowledge
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  • Hands-on introduction to Electronic Structure and Thermodynamics Calculations of Real Materials
  • A One Little DFT Calculations Blog
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  • APS Journals (PRL, PRB etc)
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  • Wyckoff Positions (Bilbao Crystalographic Server)
  • ISOTROPY Software Suite
  • Data Access Portal (for nanostructures)
  • The AFLOW Library of Crystallographic Prototypes

  • Pseudopotentials
  • Pseudopotentials - Cornell
  • GGA Pseudopotential Database
  • Abinit Pseudopotentials
  • Pseudopotential and Basis Database
  • Octopus pseudopotential generator
  • Vanderbilt Ultra-Soft Pseudopotentials
  • Pseudo Dojo
  • Quantum Espresso Pseudopotentials

  • Bader and SIESTA
  • Bader Charge Analysis
  • Alex Voznyy page - Bader analysis with SIESTA

  • Data Bases
  • Library Genesis (book database)
  • Sci-hub (paper database)
  • Predatory scholarly open-access publishers

  • Interatomic Potentials
  • OpenKIM (Knowledgebase of Interatomic Models)
  • NIST - Interatomic Potentials Repository

  • Miscellaneous
  • Your IP address
  • Convert Host/Domain Name to IP Address and vice versa
  • Dynamic Periodic Table
  • VESTA - Visualizaton for Electronic and STructural Analysis
  • AbleWord - Word Processor and PDF Editor (for Windows)
  • VMD - Visual Molecular Dynamis
  • ShengBTE - A software for solving the Boltzmann Transport Equation for phonons
  • For Gigapedia
  • Good Info
  • Country Rankings 2014
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  • Heptagon48
  • YOUZEEK (Music Database)
  • The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in WAS - USA
  • On Crackpots; The Bane of Science
  • Free SMS to International Mobile Destinations
  • PHON (Version 1.38) A program to calculate phonons
  • Carbon nanotube generation applet
  • Nye
  • Fame on Sale: Pitfalls of the Ranking Game (by David Tomanek)
  • Administration's grand victory over academia (by David Tomanek)
  • Revised Manuscrpit Submitted
  • Psychological experiments that shocked the world `
  • Archaeology (Archive) in Greek
  • Open Library (in Greek)
  • Books Eygenidio Foundation (in Greek)
  • The Evolution of Trust
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  • Scimago Journal & Country Rank