WiP venue

The school will take place in Centre Emil Borel, Institut Henri Poincare.

Centre Emil Borel is located in the center of Paris in Rue Pierre et Marie Curie 11, Cedex 05.

Here is a map of the area, where the Centre is marked by a star. For a closer view of the map click here.

Closest metro station to the Centre is Luxembourg (300 m distance); closest bus stops are St-Jacques/Gay-Lussac (100 m distance), with lines 21 and 27.

Top images show plan of the campus (left) and sign at the entrance from rue P. and M. Curie (right). Left photo shows the entrance from rue P. and M. Curie.

To arrive to the school venue:

For a Paris street and metro map see at http://www.pariszoom.com/

Another interactive map at http://www.hot-maps.de/europe/france/paris/homeen.html

Everything about Paris at http://www.paris.org/

Map with hotels at http://www.hoteltravel.com/france/paris/maps.htm