Dr. Rossella Monferino is a researcher at the Micro & Nanotechnologies Division, Optics and Photonics Dept., of Centro Ricerche FIAT. She obtained the graduation in General Physic at the University of Torino in 2000 and completed her graduation and post-graduation training in the Micro & Nanotechnologies Division of CRF, where she is actually researcher in the area of Optics and Photonics. She was involved for nearly 3 years in the design and development of nanostructured materials for optical applications. She currently works on optical lighting systems for automotive applications, participating in European and Italian projects (i.e. IST projects “FUNLIGHT” and “STABILIGHT”). Her main areas of involvement are modelling, fabrication and characterization of photonic nanostructured materials and engineering of miniaturized electro-optical systems and light emitting devices.