1. "Magnetic phases of the Hubbard model"
    A.N.Andriotis, P.N.Poulopoulos and E.N.Economou,
    Solid State Communicatiuons 39 , 1175 (1981).
  2. "Off-diagonal disorder and the metal-insulator transition in impurity bands in semiconductors"
    A.C.Fertis,A.N.Andrio- tis and E.N.Economou,
    Phys. Rev.B24, 5806 (1981).
  3. "Theory of Semi-Infinite Metals"
    Surface Science, 116, 501 (1982).
  4. "Variations of the surface dipole moment due to anisotropy and chemisorption"
    A.N.Andriotis and C.A.Nicolaides,
    Surface Science, 116, 513 (1982).
  5. "Inner electron binding energies of chemisorbed atoms"
    C.A.Nicolaides and A.N.Andriotis,
    Solid State Commun., 44, 99 (1982).
  6. "Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Chemisorbed Atoms"
    C.A.Nicolaides and A.N.Andriotis,
    Int.Journal of Q.Chem., 23, 561 (1983).
  7. "Incorporation of lattice effects in surface energy calculations"
    Surface Science, 138, 269 (1984).
  8. "Angular dependence of the X-ray Raman scattering intensity from polycrystals"
    A.N.Andriotis and C.A.Londos,
    Solid State Commun., 49, 213 (1984).
  9. "State-specific,many-electron theory of core levels in metals:the 1s binding energy of Be metal"
    C.A.Nicolaides,A.D.Zdetsis and A.N.Andriotis,
    Solid State Commun., 50, 857 (1984).
  10. "Interaction of Argon with the Al(100) surface"
    A.N.Andriotis and C.A.Nicolaides,
    Solid State Commun., 51, 251 (1984).
  11. "Exchange energy contribution to the interaction of helium with a metal surface"
    Phys. Rev. B31, 4003 (1985).
  12. "Work Function changes due to surface anisotropy and imperfections"
    Phys. Rev. B32, 5062, (1985).
  13. "Analytic approach to the equation of Esbjerg and Norskov"
    Phys. Rev. B33, 1482 (1986).
  14. "Theory of short-range order in binary metal alloys using the coherent potential approximation"
    A.N.Andriotis and J.E.Lowther,
    J. Phys. F: Met. Physics, 16, 1189 (1986).
  15. "Pseudopotential approach to the embedding of Helium atoms in metallic jellium"
    Solid State Communications, 59, 761 (1986).
  16. "Analytic CPA approach to non-stoichiometric PdH : I"
    J. Phys. F: Metal Physics 17, 75 (1987).
  17. "Dressed-Atom approach to embedding and physisorption in metals"
    A.N.Andriotis and C.A.Nicolaides,
    Phys. Rev. B35, 2583 (1987).
  18. "Directionality of the metallic bonding in Titanium Carbide"
    J.E.Lowther and A.N.Andriotis,
    J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 48, 713 (1987).
  19. "Verification of the Esbjerg-Norskov relation from small-cluster calculations"
    Phys. Rev.B 36, 4469 (1987).
  20. "Generalized coherent potentials and the cluster Bethe lattice"
    A.N.Andriotis and J.E.Lowther,
    South-African Journal of Physics, 10, 135 (1987).
  21. "Cluster Bethe lattice approach to chemically disordered alloys with short range order"
    A.N.Andriotis and J.E.Lowther,
    in "Alloy Phase Stability" Edited by G.M.Stocks and A.Gonis,NATO-ASI Series E:Vol.163 Kluwer Academic Publishers, p.357 (1989).
  22. "Non-local Hartree-Fock Approach to Embedding"
    Jour.of Physics : Condensed Matter 2, 1021 (1990).
  23. "Alkali-metal-atom chemisorption onto a metal surface"
    Phys. Rev. B42, 9217 (1990).
  24. "The Hubbard Model for n = 1 : Preliminary results"
    A.N.Andriotis,Q.Li,C.M.Soukoulis and E.N.Economou,
    in "Dynamics of Magnetic Fluctuations in High- Temperature Superconductors",Edited by G.Reiter, P.Horsch and G.C.Psaltakis Plenum,NY, p.267 (1991).
  25. "Impurity atoms/ions embedded in metals"
    Europhysics Letters 17, 349 (1992).
  26. "Single Impurity Calculations using the Quadratic Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker method"
    A.N.Andriotis, J.S.Faulkner and Y.Wang,
    Solid State Communications 84, 267-269 (1992).
  27. "Local Spin clustering and Phase Separation in the Hubbard Model"
    A.N.Andriotis,E.N.Economou,and C.M.Soukoulis,
    Journ.of Physics : Condensed Matter 5, 4505 (1993).
  28. "The Bimetallic Interface : A periodic planar jellium approach "
    Phys. Rev. B47, 6772 (1993).
  29. "The Complex Hamiltonian Approach "
    Jour. of Phys.: Condens.Matter 4, L633 (1992).
  30. "Phase Separation in the Hubbard Model"
    A.N.Andriotis,E.N.Economou,Qiming Li and C.M.Soukoulis,
    Phys. Rev B47, 9208 (1993).
  31. "The applicability of scaling laws in Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics "
    N.Lathiotakis and A.N.Andriotis,
    Solid State Communications 87, 871 (1993).
  32. "Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics Study of Transition Metal Clusters "
    M.Menon,J.Connolly,N.Lathiotakis and A.N.Andriotis,
    Phys. Rev B50, 8903 (1994).
  33. "Structure and stability of Ni clusters : A Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics study"
    N.N.Lathiotakis,A.N.Andriotis,M.Menon and J.Connolly,
    Europhysics Letters 29, 135 (1995).
  34. "The Scaling of the Tight-Binding Hamiltonian"
    J. of Phys.: Condens. Matter, 7, L61, (1995).
  35. "Periodic Planar Jellium Approximation to Implanted Metal Sufraces"
    Computational Materials Science, 4, 93 (1995).
  36. "Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of Si/Ge Superlattices"
    I.A.Papadogonas,A.N.Andriotis and E.N.Economou,
    Europhysics Letters 31, 113 (1995).
  37. "Tight Binding Molecular Dynamics Study of Ni Clusters"
    N.N.Lathiotakis,A.N.Andriotis,M.Menon and J.Connolly,
    J. Chem. Phys. 104, 992 (1996).
  38. "Magnetic properties of Ni and Fe clusters : A Tight-Binding Molecular Optomization Study"
    A.N.Andriotis, N. Lathiotakis and M.Menon,
    Chem. Phys. Letters 260, 15 (1996).
  39. " The charge on a single impurity in a metal "
    D. Zaharioudakis, J.S.Faulkner and A.N.Andriotis,
    Proceedings of the 1st International Alloy Conference, Athens 1996, edited by A.Gonis, A.Meike and P.Turchi Plenum Press , p.479 (1997).
  40. " Study of magnetic clusters using a tight-binding molecular dynamics approach "
    A.N.Andriotis, N.Lathiotakis and M.Menon,
    Proceedings of the 1st Interrnational Alloy Conference, Athens 1996, to be edited by A.Gonis, A.Meike and P.Turchi Plenum Press, p. 261 (1997).
  41. " Magnetic Properties of Clusters of Transition Metal Atoms "
    A.N.Andriotis, N.N.Lathiotakis and M.Menon,
    Europhysics Letters 36, 37 (1996).
  42. " Dependence of onset optical absorption on interface diffuion in Si(m)Ge(n) superlattices "
    I.A.Papadogonas, A.N.Andriotis and E.N.Economou,
    Phys. Rev. B55, R4887 (1997).
  43. " Optical properties of Si(m)Ge(n) superlattices : a CPA treatment of the interface diffusion "
    I.A.Papadogonas, A.N.Andriotis and E.N.Economou,
    Phys. Rev. B55, 10760 (1997).
  44. " The Reconstruction of the Si(110) Surface and its Interaction with Si Adatoms "
    M.Menon, N.Lathiotakis and A.N.Andriotis,
    Phys. Rev. B56, 1412, (1997).
  45. " Utilization of Locally Shifted Potentials in Approximate Electronic Structure Calculations "
    D.Zaharioudakis, J.S.Faulkner and A.N.Andriotis,
    J. of Physics : Condens. Matter 10, 1813 (1998).
  46. " Tight-Binding Molecular-Dynamics Study of Ferromagnetic Clusters "
    A.Andriotis and M.Menon,
    Phys. Rev. B57, 10069 (1998).
  47. " A Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics study of Ni(m)Si(n) binary clusters "
    A.N. Andriotis, M. Menon, G.E.Froudakis, Z. Fthenakis and J.E.Lowther,
    Chem. Phys. Letters, 292, 487 (1998).
  48. " LDA exchange-energy functional "
    A.N. Andriotis,
    Phys. Rev. B58, 15300 (1998).
  49. " Self-consistent Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics Method for cluster studies "
    A.N Andriotis and M. Menon,
    Phys. Rev. B59, 15942 (1999).
  50. " Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics Study of Transition metal Carbide Clusters "
    A.N.Andriotis, M.Menon, G.E.Frudakis and J.E.Lowther,
    Chem. Phys. Letters, 301, 503 (1999).
  51. " Tight Binding Molecular Dynamics Study of Heteronuclear systems : Application to Si(m)Ge(n) clusters "
    A.N. Andriotis, M. Menon and G.E.Froudakis,
    J. of Cluster Science, 10, 549 (1999).
  52. " Geometry and bonding in small (C_60)_nNi_m clusters"
    A.N.Andriotis and M.Menon,
    Phys. Rev. B60, 4521 (1999).
  53. "Curvature dependence of the metal catalyst atom interaction with carbon nanotubes walls"
    M.Menon, A.N.Andriotis and G.E.Froudakis,
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 320, 425 (2000).
  54. "Anomalous temperature dependence of the single wall carbon nanotubes resistivity"
    A.N.Andriotis, M.Menon and G.E.Froudakis,
    Phys. Rev. B61, R13393 (2000).
  55. "Contrasting bonding behaviors of 3-d transition metal atoms with graphite and C60"
    A.N.Andriotis, M.Menon and G.E.Froudakis,
    Phys. Rev. B62, 9867 (2000).
  56. "Various bonding configurations of transition-metal atoms on carbon nanotubes : Their effect on contact resistance"
    A.N.Andriotis, M.Menon and G.E.Froudakis,
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 76, 3890 (2000).
  57. "Catalytic action of Ni atoms in the formation of carbon nanotubes : A combined ab-initio and molecular dynamics study"
    A.N.Andriotis, M.Menon and G.Froudakis,
    Phys. Rev. Letters, 85, 3193 (2000).
  58. "Rectification properties of carbon nanotube Y-junctions"
    A.N.Andriotis, M.Menon, D.Srivastava and L.Chernozatonskii,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 066802 (2001).
  59. "Ballistic switching and rectification in single wall carbon nanotube Y-junctions"
    A.N.Andriotis, M.Menon, D.Srivastava and L.Chernozatonskii,
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 79, 266, (2001).
  60. "Green's function embedding approach to quantum conductivity of single wall carbon nanotubes"
    A.N.Andriotis and M.Menon,
    J. Chem. Phys., 115, 2737 (2001).
  61. "Extreme hydrogen sensitivity of the transport properties of single wall carbon nanotubes"
    A.N.Andriotis, M.Menon, D.Srivastava and G.Froudakis,
    Phys. Rev. B64, 193401 (2001).
  62. "Structural properties of metal-benzene, M(n)-Benzene(m), M= Ni, V complexes : An ab initio study"
    G.E.Froudakis, A.N.Andriotis and M.Menon,
    Chem. Phys. Lett., 350, 393 (2001).
  63. "Ground state geometry of small Ni-C clusters"
    G.E.Froudakis, M.Muhlhauser, A.N.Andriotis and M.Menon,
    Phys. Rev. B64, 241401(R) (2001).
  64. "Structure and stability of Ni-encapsulated Si nanotube"
    M.Menon, A.N.Andriotis and G.Froudakis,
    Nanoletters, 2, 301 (2002).
  65. "Transport properties of Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Y-Junctions"
    A.N.Andriotis, M.Menon, D.Srivastava and L.Chernozatonskii,
    Phys. Rev. B65, 165416 (2002).
    Appears also in : Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology,
    http://www.vjnano.org, April 2002 issue.
  66. "Transfer Matrix Approach to Quantum Conductivity Calculations in Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes"
    A.N.Andriotis, M.Menon and D.Srivastava,
    J. Chem. Phys. 117, 2836 (2002).
    Appears also in : Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology,
    http://www.vjnano.org, August 5, 2002 issue.
  67. "Stabilization of Si-based cage clusters and nanotubes by encapsulation of transition metal atoms"
    A.N.Andriotis, G.Mpourmpakis, G.E.Frudakis and M.Menon
    New J. Phys., 4, 78 (2002).
  68. "Magnetic properties of C60 polymers"
    A.N.Andriotis, M.Menon, R.M.Sheetz and L.Chernozatonskii
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 90, 026801 (2003)
    Appears also in : Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology,
    http://www.vjnano.org January 27, 2003 issue.
  69. "Nonlinear Resistance Dependence on Length in Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes"
    A.N.Andriotis, M.Menon and L.Chernozatonskii
    Nanoletters, 3, 131 (2003).
  70. "Temperature evolution of structural and magnetic properties of transition metal clusters"
    Z.Fthenakis, A.N.Andriotis and M.Menon
    J. Chem. Phys. 119 , 10911 (2003)
  71. "Pathways for Oxygen adsorption on Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes"
    G.E.Froudakis, M.Schnell, M.Muhlhauser, S.D.Peyerimhoff, A.N.Andriotis, M.Menon and R.M.Sheetz,
    Phys. Rev. B68, 115435 (2003)
    Appears also in : Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology,
    http://www.vjnano.org October 13, 2003 issue.
  72. "Fe encapsulation by Si clusters"
    G.Mpourmpakis, G.E.Froudakis, A.N.Andriotis and M.Menon
    Phys. Rev. B68, 125407 (2003).
  73. "Understanding the structure of metal encapsulated Si cages and nanotubes"
    G.Mpourmpakis, G.E.Froudakis, A.N.Andriotis and M.Menon
    J. Chem. Phys. 119, 7498 (2003)
    Appears also in : Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology,
    http://www.vjnano.org October 13, 2003 issue.
  74. "Comment on `Intrinsic electron transport properties of carbon nanotube Y-junctions' [Appl. Phys. Lett., 81, 5234 (2002)]"
    A.N.Andriotis and M.Menon
    Appl. Phys. Lett., 82, 1, (2003)
    Appears also in : Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology,
    http://www.vjnano.org September 1, 2003 issue.
  75. Carbon nanotube T-junctions : Formation pathways and conductivity"
    M.Menon, A.N.Andriotis and D.Srivastava
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 91, 145501 (2003)
    Appears also in : Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology,
    http://www.vjnano.org October 13, 2003 issue.
  76. "Formation pathways of single-wall carbon nanotubes multiterminal junctions"
    I.Ponomareva, L.A.Chernozatonskii, A.N.Andriotis and M.Menon
    New Journal of Phys., 5, 1.1-1.12 (2003).
  77. "Structure and stability of SiC nanotubes"
    M.menon, E.Richter, A.Mavrantonakis, A.N.Andriotis and G.Froudakis
    Phys. Rev. B69, 115322 (2004).
  78. "Degradation of inter-atomic bonds during structural phase change in intermediate Ni-clusters"
    A.N.Andriotis and M.Menon
    J. Chem Phys. 120, 230 (2004).
  79. "Magnetic enhancement and magnetic reduction in binary clusters of transition metal atoms"
    A.N.Andriotis, G.Mpourmpakis, G.E.Froudakis and M.Menon
    J. Chem Phys. 120, 11901 (2004).
  80. "Orbital magnetism : Pros and cons for enhancing the cluster magnetism"
    A.N.Andriotis and M.Menon
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 93, 026402 (2004).
  81. "State specific RKKY interaction in small magnetic clusters"
    A.N.Andriotis, G.Mpourmpakis, G.E.Froudakis and M.Menon
    Phys. Rev. B70, 104421 (2004).
  82. "Transition metal atoms on nanocarbon surfaces"
    A.N.Andriotis and M.Menon
    Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,
    edited by H.S.Nalva, vol. 10, p.509-517 (2004).
  83. "Are s-p- and d-ferromagnetism of the same origin ? "
    A.N.Andriotis, R.M.Scheetz and M.Menon
    J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 17, L35 (2005).
  84. "The magnetism of the polymerized C60 materials"
    A.N.Andriotis and M.Menon
    Clusters and nanoassemblies : Physical and Biological Systems,
    Edited by P.Jena, S.K.Khanna and B.K.Rao, Word Scientific (Singapore 2005).
  85. "Role of Co in enhancing the magnetism of small Fe clusters"
    G.Mpourmpakis, G.E.Froudakis, A.N.Andriotis and M.Menon,
    Phys. Rev. B72, 104417 (2005).
    Appears also in : Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology,
    http://www.vjnano.org September 19, 2005 issue.
  86. "Transport properties of carbon nanotubes with odd-numbered carbon rings"
    S.Lisenkov, A.N.Andriotis, I.Ponomareva and M.Menon,
    Phys. Rev. B72, 113401 (2005).
    Appears also in : Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology,
    http://www.vjnano.org September 12, 2005 issue.
  87. "Defect-originated magnetism in carbon-based and non-traditional inorganic compounds : A new class of magnetic materials"
    A.N.Andriotis, R.M.Sheetz, E.Richter and M.Menon
    Europhys. Letters, 72, 658 (2005).
  88. "Carbon-nanotube tips with edge made of a transition metal"
    G.Mpourmpakis, G.E.Froudakis, A.N.Andriotis and M.Menon,
    Appl. Phys. Lett., 87, 193105 (2005).
    Appears also in : Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology,
    http://www.vjnano.org November 14, 2005 issue.
  89. "Structure and stability of small diameter silicon nanowires"
    I.Ponomareva, M.Menon, D.Srivastava and A.N.Andriotis,
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 95, 265502 (2005).
    Appears also in : Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology,
    http://www.vjnano.org January 09, 2006 issue.
  90. "McConnell model for the Magnetism of C60-based polymers"
    A.N.Andriotis, M.Menon, R.M.Sheetz and E.Richter,
    In "Carbon based Magnetism", Edited by T.L.Makarova and F.Palacio,
    Elsevier, p.483 (2006).
  91. "Structural stability, electronic properties, and quantum conductivity of small-diameter silicon nanowires"
    I.Ponomareva, M.Menon, E.Richter and A.N.Andriotis,
    Phys. Rev. B74, 125311 (2006).
  92. "Silicon carbide nanotube tips : Promising materials for atomic force microscopy and/or scanning tunneling microscopy",
    A.Mavrandonakis, G.E.Froudakis, A.N.Andriotis and M.Menon,
    Appl. Phys. Lett., 89, 123126 (2006).
    Appears also in : Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology,
    http://www.vjnano.org October 09, 2006 issue.
  93. "Doping and the unique role of vacancies in promoting the magnetic ground state in carbon nanotubes and C60 polymers",
    A.N.Andriotis, R.M.Sheetz and M.Menon,
    Phys. Rev. B74, 153403 (2006).
    Appears also in : Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology,
    http://www.vjnano.org October 16, 2006 issue.
  94. "Are electrical switching and rectification inherent properties of carbon nanotube Y junctions ? ",
    A.N.Andriotis and M.Menon,
    Appl. Phys. Lett., 89, 132116 (2006).
  95. "Theoretical study of the effect of temperature on the magnetism of transition metal clusters",
    A.N. Andriotis, Z.G. Fthenakis and M. Menon,
    Europhysics Letters, 76, 1088 (2006)
  96. "Correlated variation of Melting and Curie temperatures of Ni-clusters",
    A.N.Andriotis, Z.G.Fthenakis and M.Menon,
    Phys. Rev. B75, 073413 (2007)
    Appears also in : Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology,
    http://www.vjnano.org March 12, 2007 issue.
  97. "Enhancement of the ionization potential of K and Rb upon chemisorption on a C60 molecule",
    G.Mpourmpakis, G.E.Froudakis, A.N.Andriotis and M.Menon,
    J. Phys. Chem. C Letters, 111, 6593-6596 (2007).
  98. "Structural and conducting properties of metal carbon-nanotube contacts : Extended molecule approximation",
    A.Andriotis and M.Menom,
    Phys. Rev. B76, 045412 (2007).
    Appears also in : Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology,
    http://www.vjnano.org July 30, 2007 issue.
  99. "Strong dependence of transport properties of metal-semiconductor-metal graphene ribbons on their geometrical features",
    A.N.Andriotis, E.Richter and M.Menon,
    Appl. Phys. Lett., 91, 152105 (2007).
    Appears also in : Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology,
    http://www.vjnano.org October 22, 2007 issue.
  100. "Oscillatory Band Gap behavior in Small Diameter Si-Clathrate Nanowires",
    M.Menon, .I.Ponomareva, E.Richter and A.N.Andriotis,
    NanoLetters, 7, 3424 (2007).
  101. "Transport properties of branched graphene nanoribbons",
    A.N.Andriotis and M.Menon,
    Appl. Phys. Lett., 92,, 042115 (2008).
    Appears also in : Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology,
    http://www.vjnano.org February 11, 2008 issue.
  102. "Realistic nanotube-metal contact configuration for molecular electronics applications",
    A.N.Andriotis, M.Menon and H.Gibson,
    IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.8, p.910 (2008).
  103. "Surface conductivity of hydrogenated diamond films",
    A.N.Andriotis, Giannis Mpourmpakis, Ernst Richter and M.Menon,
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 100, 106801 (2008).
  104. "Codoping : A possible pathway for inducing ferromagnetism in ZnO",
    N.N.Lathiotakis, A.N.Andriotis and M.Menon,
    Phys. Rev. B78, 193311 (2008).
  105. "Electronic transport in metal-soldered carbon nanotube multiterminal junctions",
    A.N.Andriotis and M.Menon,
    Phys. Rev. B78, 235415 (2008).
  106. "Tailoring the induced magnetism in carbon-based and non-traditional inorganic nanomaterials",
    A.N.Andriotis, R.M.Sheetz, N.N.Lathiotakis and M.Menon,
    Int. J. Nanotechnology, 6, 164 (2009).
  107. "Defect-induced optical absorption in the visible range in ZnO nanowires",
    R.Michael Sheetz, Inna Ponomareva, Ernst Richter, Antonis N. Andriotis and Madhu Menon,
    Phys. Rev., B 80, 195314 (2009).
  108. "Structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of nanometer-sized iron-oxide atomic clusters: Comparison between GGA and GGA+U approaches",
    K.Palotas, A.N.Andriotis and A.Lappas,
    Phys. Rev. B81, 075403 (2010).
  109. "Structural, electronic, magnetic and transport properties of carbon-fullerene-based polymers,
    A.N.Andriotis, R.M.Sheetz, E.Richter and M.Menon,
    The Oxfortd Handbook of Nanoscience and Technology,
    Oxford University Press,
    Edited by A.V.Narlikar and Y.Y.Fu,
    Vol. II, p.745 (2010).
  110. "Defect-induced defect-mediated magnetism in ZnO and carbon-based materials,
    Antonis N Andriotis, R Michael Sheetz, and Madhu Menon,
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 22 , 324210 (2010).
  111. "Identification of Descriptors for the CO Interaction with Metal Nanoparticles,
    Giannis Mpourmpakis, Antonis N. Andriotis, and Dionisios G. Vlachos,
    Nano Letters, 10 , 1041 (2010) (2010). DOI:10.1021/nl904299c.
  112. "LSDA+U method: A calculation of the U-values at the Hartree-Fock level of approximation",
    Antonis N Andriotis, R Michael Sheetz, and Madhu Menon,
    Phys. Rev. B 81 , 245103 (2010).
  113. "Magnetic graphene: A new class of cages formed from graphene sheets and carbon nanotubes",
    Sergey Lisenkov, Antonis N. Andriotis and Madhu Menon,
    Phys. Rev. B 82 , 165454 (2010).
  114. "Ferromagnetic interactions in hosted bipartite materials - Generalized-double-exchange and generalized-superexchange interactions",
    Antonis N. Andriotis, Sergey Lisenkov and Madhu Menon,
    J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 23 , 086004 (2011).
  115. "Effects of co-doping on the ferromagnetic enhancement in ZnO",
    Sergey Lisenkov, Antonis N. Andriotis, R. Michael Sheetz and Madhu Menon,
    Phys. Rev. B 83 , 235203 (2011).
  116. "Magnetic coupling in dilute magnetic semiconductors: A new perspective",
    Antonis N. Andriotis and Madhu Menon,
    phys. st.sol. (b) 248, 2032 (2011); DOI 10.1002/pssb.201147120.
  117. "Visible-light absorption and large band-gap bowing of GaN(1-x)Sb(x) from first principles",
    R.M.Sheetz, E.Richter, A.N.Andriotis, S.Lisenkov, C.Pendyala, M.K.Sunkara and M.Menon,
    Phys. Rev. B 84 075304 (2011).
  118. "Symmetry-Switching Molecular Fe(O2)n Clusters",
    Giannis Mpourmpakis, Michalis Velegrakis, Claudia Mihesan, and Antonis N. Andriotis,
    J. Phys. Chem. A, 115, 7456.7460 (2011).
  119. "Predicting the Adsorption Behavior in Bulk from Metal Clusters",
    Giannis Mpourmpakis, Michail Stamatakis, Stanley Herrmann, Dionisios G. Vlachos and Antonis N. Andriotis,
    Chem. Phys. Lett., 518, 99 (2011).
  120. "Variation of the Surface to Bulk Contribution to Cluster Properties",
    Antonis N. Andriotis, Zacharias Fthenakis and Madhu Menon,
    in Handbook of Computational Chemistry, J. Leszczynski (ed.), DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-0711-5_26,
    Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2011).
  121. "Magnetic anisotropy and engineering of magnetic behavior of the edges in Co embedded graphene nanoribbons,
    Sergey Lisenkov, Antonis N. Andriotis, and Madhu Menon,
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 187208 (2012).
  122. "Electronic structure, optical properties and electronic conductivity of Silicon Carbide Nanowires",
    A.N.Andriotis, E.Richter, S. Lisenkov, R.M.Sheetz and M.Menon,
    Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 9 , 2008 (2012).
  123. "The synergistic character of the defect-induced magnetism in diluted magnetic semiconductors and related magnetic materials",
    Antonis N Andriotis and Madhu Menon,
    J. Phys. Condens.Matter, 24, 455801 (2012) doi:10.1088/0953-8984/24/45/455801.
  124. "Molecular Orbital Description of the Magnetic Coupling in Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors",
    A. N. Andriotis and M. Menon,
    Fourth International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS-2012),
  125. "U-calculation of the LSDA+U functional using the hybrid B3LYP and HSE functionals",
    Antonis N. Andriotis, Giannis Mpourmpakis, Sergey Lisenkov and Madhu Menon,
    physica status solidi (b) 250, No. 2, 356 - 363 (2013) / DOI 10.1002/pssb.201248215.
  126. "Porosity-moderated ultrafast electron transport in Au nanowire networks",
    Evaggelos Magoulakis, Athanasia Kostopoulou, Georgios N. Arvanitakis, Antonios G. Kanaras, Antonis N. Andriotis, Alexandros Lappas and Panagiotis A. Loukakos,
    Appl Phys A Materials Science and Processing, 111 , 711 (2013); DOI 10.1007/s00339-013-7647-x.
  127. "Defect-induced magnetism: Codoping and a prescription for enhanced magnetism",
    Antonis N. Andriotis and Madhu Menon,
    Phys. Rev. B87, 155309 (2013)
  128. "Adsorption behavior of noble metal clusters and their alloys"
    Stanley Herrmann, Michail Stamatakis, Antonis N. Andriotis and Giannis Mpourmpakis
    Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience (CTN), 11 , 1 (2014)).
  129. "Band alignment and optical absorption in Ga(Sb)N alloys”,
    Antonis N. Andriotis, R. Michael Sheetz, Ernst Richter and Madhu Menon,
    J. Phys. Condensed Matter, 26 , 055013 (2014).
  130. "New Visible Light Absorbing Materials for Solar Fuels, GaSb(x)N(1-x)",
    Swathi Sunkara, Venkat KalyanVendra, Jacek Jasinski, Todd Deutsch, Antonis N Andriotis, Madhu Menon and Mahendra Sunkara,
    Adv. Mater. DOI: 10.1002/adma.201305083 (2014).
  131. "Informatics Guided Discovery of Surface Structure-Chemistry Relationships in Catalytic Nanoparticles",
    Antonis N. Andriotis and Giannis Mpourmpakis and Scott Broderick and Krishna Rajan and Somnath Datta and Mahendra Sunkara and Madhu Menon,
    J. Chem. Phys., 140 , 094705 (2014).
  132. "Tunable Magnetic Properties of Transition-metal Doped MoS2",
    Antonis N. Andriotis and Madhu Menon,
    Phys. Rev. B 90, 125304 (2014).
  133. "Successive spin polarizations underlying a new magnetic coupling contribution in diluted magnetic semiconductors",
    Antonis N Andriotis, Zacharias G Fthenakis and Madhu Menon,
    J. Phys. Condensed Matter (Fast Track Communication), 27 , 052202 (2015).
  134. "Band gap engineering via doping: A predictive approach",
    Antonis N Andriotis and Madhu Menon,
    J. Appl. Phys., 117 , 125708 (2015).
  135. "ZnO gap engineering by doping with III - V compounds",
    Antonis N Andriotis and Madhu Menon,
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 28 , 035803 (2016).
  136. "Direct Band Gap Gallium Antimony Phosphide ( GaSbxP 1 - x ) Alloys",
    H. B. Russell, A. N. Andriotis, M. Menon, J. B. Jasinski, A. Martinez-Garcia and M. K. Sunkara,
    (Nature) Scientific Reports | 6:20822 | DOI: 10.1038/srep20822 (2016).
  137. "Prediction of a new graphenelike Si2BN solid",
    Antonis N Andriotis, Ernst Richter and Madhu Menon,
    Phys. Rev. B 93 , 081413(R) (2016)
  138. "Successive spin-correlated local processes underlying the magnetism in diluted magnetic semiconductors and related magnetic materials",
    Antonis N Andriotis and Madhu Menon,
    in "Computational Approaches to Materials Design: Theoretical and Practical Aspects",
    edited by Shubhabrata Datta and J. Paulo Davim, IGI Global, 13-27, (2016)
  139. "Coupled and Implicit Relationships of the d‑Band Center of the magnetic Dopants in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors and Transition Metal Oxides",
    Antonis N. Andriotis and Madhu Menon,
    J. Phys. Chem. C, 121 , 21713-9 (2017) DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b07050
  140. "Universal features underlying the magnetism in diluted magnetic semiconductors",
    Antonis N Andriotis and Madhu Menon,
    J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 30 , 135803 (2018)
  141. "Holistic electronic response underlying the development of magnetism in co-doped diluted magnetic semiconductors",
    Antonis N Andriotis and Madhu Menon,
    Mater. Res. Express 5 , (2018) 055903 https://doi.org/10.1088/2053-1591/aac09e
  142. "Antiferromagnetic successive superexchange interactions underlying ferromagnetic couplings in codoped diluted magnetic semiconductors",
    Antonis N Andriotis and Madhu Menon,
    J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 30 , 385703 (2018)
  143. "The theory of "Pantachikiniton" of Benjamin Lesvios",
    Antonis N Andriotis,
    Almagest: Vol. IX , (Issue 1, May 2018). p.51
    DOI 10.1484/J.ALMAGEST.5.116019
  144. "Linear universal variation versus electronegativity-inverse of the magnetic moments induced by dopants on their anion ligands in DMS.
    Antonis N Andriotis and Madhu Menon,
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 489 , (2019) 165463
  145. "Electronic and magnetic properties of the CuO4- and Co2CuO10-complexes in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors and Transition Metal Oxides",
    Antonis N Andriotis and Madhu Menon,
    Mater. Res. Express 6 , (2019) 086108
    DOI: 10.1088/2053-1591/ab1620
  146. "Data driven modeling of magnetism in dilute magnetic semiconductors: correlation between the magnetic features of diluted magnetic semiconductors and electronic properties of the constituent atoms",
    Antonis N Andriotis and Madhu Menon,
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 31 , (2019) 445901
  147. "Successive Spin Polarization Contribution to the Magnetic Coupling in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors: A Quantitative verification",
    Antonis N Andriotis and Madhu Menon,
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 501 , 166313 (2020)
  148. "Goodenough–Kanamori rules applied to wurtzite crystals",
    Antonis N Andriotis and Madhu Menon,
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 32 , (2020) 295801,
  149. "Estimation of sp-d exchange constants revisited",
    Antonis N Andriotis and Madhu Menon,
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 33 , 130001 (2021)
  150. "High temperature stability, metallic character and bonding of the Si2BN planar structure",
    Zacharias G Fthenakis, Meghnath Jaishi, Badri Narayanan, Antonis N Andriotis and Madhu Menon,
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 33 , 165001 (2021)
  151. "Bifunctional Water-Splitting Electrocatalysis Achieved by Defect Order in LaA2Fe3O8 (A = Ca, Sr)",
    Surendra B. Karki, Antonis N. Andriotis, Madhu Menonc and Farshid Ramezanipour,
    Applied Energy Materials, 4 , 12063 (2021)
  152. TOPICAL REVIEW: "Codoping induced enhanced ferromagnetism in diluted magnetic semiconductors",
    Antonis N Andriotis and Madhu Menon,
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 33 , 393002 (2021)
  153. "Magnetism versus band-gap relationship in diluted magnetic semiconductors: megatom impurity behavior of the magnetic dopant complexes",
    Antonis N Andriotis and Madhu Menon,
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, (in press 2022)
  154. "Plasma-assisted vapor liquid phase epitaxial growth of dilute GaSb(x)N(1-x) and GaBi(y)N(1-y) alloys: Confirmation of band gap reduction discontinuity",
    Sonia Juliana Calero-Barney, Antonis N. Andriotis, Madhu Menon, and Mahendra Sumkara,
    Phys. Rev. B, 105 , 085307 (2022)
  155. "Capacity development of Pd doped Si2BN nanotube for hydrogen storage",
    Akshay M. Sathwara, Sanjeev K. Gupta, Antonis N Andriotis, Madhu Menon and Pankajkumar N. Gajjar
    International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47 , 19132 (2022)
  156. "Enhancement of Electrocatalytic Activity for both Hydrogen and Oxygen Evolution Reactions of a Perovskite Oxide",
    Surendra B. Karki, Antonis N. Andriotis, Madhu Menon, and Farshid Ramezanipour",
    JPCC (2022) https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c05651
  157. "Decoupling 1D and 2D features of 2D sp-nanoribbons—the megatom model",
    Antonis N. Andriotis and Madhu Menon,
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 35 (2023) 095703
  158. "An ab-initio analysis of the hydrogen storage behaviour of V doped Si2BN nanotube",
    Akshay M. Satawara and Gaushiya A. Shaikh and Sanjeev K. Gupta and Antonis N. Andriotis and Madhu Menon and P.N. Gajjar,
    Journal of Hydrogen Energy 52(11) (2023)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2023.10.166
  159. "An ab-initio study of hydrogen storage performance of Si2BN nanotubes decorated with group 8B transition metals",
    Akshay M. Satawara and Gaushiya A. Shaikh and Sanjeev K. Gupta and Antonis N. Andriotis and Madhu Menon and P.N. Gajjar,
    International journal of hydrogen energy DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2023.03.238 (2023)
  160. "Out of the Blue. An ignored theory of electricity proposed by Benjamin Lesvios theory for electricity",
    Antonis N. Andriotis,
    Almagest (in press (2024)

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